Please contact me, Leaf, with questions or purchasing inquiries using the form below. I invite you to share a few words about yourself and where you came across Grace. Grace is located in Santa Cruz, California.

Price (read more on home page)

This is a one of a kind treasure, an art piece and a home. I and other professionals have worked on restoring it for the last four years to be able to pass it along to the right persons. I feel the bus is worth $150,000 as functional one of a kind art. Two persons plus materials working on it four years came to $60,000. I have realized that it is of more value to me, to see Grace going to the right folks. The people that are in great need and young people that are typically short on cash. It is for that reason I am pricing her at cost of my last four years efforts and materials. The price is $60,000. If you want the bus, please email me.

A photo of the bus Grace with a motorcycle on the front, surrounded by fallen yellow leaves.